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April 15, 2009

I won’t go too far with the Ajai story. I must say that I am getting a hang of this crush thing. Well I must say that I thought I was getting a hang of it. Ajai and I met today and we had a thoughtful conversation which ended up with the acknowledgment that it just wouldn’t work. At that moment when I heard the heartbreaking words, all I could think was, “Oh god, here comes the pain.” But it didn’t come (yet). So we went along with our talk very happily.

I came home today with the greatest elation possible; I swear I could have flown (hyperbole??). It was almost as if we ended up dating after all. Unfortunately, (do note that it’s 9pm when I wrote this, so perhaps I’m becoming tired… and you know what that means….) this feeling of joy began to slip away. I began to worry. However, I don’t think I really know about what I had worried. So either I still am falling susceptible to “Crushitis” or it’s that time of the……

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